Conversation With Technology
9:47 PMSo my laptop has this speech recognition thing. I am now currently using it to type this post and it is pretty cool because I don't need to type. Talk about laziness. I can literally control what goes on on this laptop with my voice. Of course there are some disadvantages when the laptop does not recognize what I'm saying. Sometimes it gets a little frustrating because it would not listen to my commands no matter how much I try to say it right.
I'm still trying to get used to it though. From the time I started writing (or more accurately dictating) this post, there has been a lot of mistakes! I constantly had to correct those mistakes which actually waste more time. For example, the word ‘which’ came out as ‘reach’ and I had many of these mistakes with this speech recognition program.
Well, I am supposed to be studying right now and I should go.
But first I think I want to take a nap (it is going to rain and for those who know me well, you know what it means)