I promise that someday I’ll return this face a bunch of smiles...
Wo ji mo ji mo jiu hao zhe shi hou shei dou bie lai an wei yong bao
Jiu rang wo yi ge ren qu tong dao shou bu liao xiang dao kuai feng diao
Si bu liao jiu hai hao
Jiu rang wo yi ge ren qu tong dao shou bu liao xiang dao kuai feng diao
Si bu liao jiu hai hao
Wo ji mo ji mo jiu hao ni zhen de bu yong lai wo hui yi li wei xiao
Wo jiu bu xiang xin wo hui ben dao wang bu liao lai zhe bu fang diao
Ren ben lai jiu ji mo de jie lai de dou gai huan diao
Wo jiu bu xiang xin wo hui ben dao wang bu liao lai zhe bu fang diao
Ren ben lai jiu ji mo de jie lai de dou gai huan diao
還是原來那個我 不過流掉幾公升淚所以變瘦
對著鏡子我承諾 遲早我會還這張臉一堆笑容
不算什麼 愛錯就愛錯
早點認錯 早一點解脫
我寂寞寂寞就好 這時候誰都別來安慰擁抱
就讓我一個人去痛到受不了 想到快瘋掉
我寂寞寂寞就好 你真的不用來我回憶裡微笑
我就不相信我會笨到忘不了 賴著不放掉
人本來就寂寞的 借來的都該還掉
還是原來那個你 是我自己做夢你有改變什麼
再多的愛也沒用 每個人有每個人的業障因果
會有什麼 什麼都沒有
早點看破 才看得見以後
我寂寞寂寞就好 這時候誰都別來安慰擁抱
就讓我一個人去痛到受不了 想到快瘋掉
我寂寞寂寞就好 你真的不用來我回憶裡微笑
我就不相信我會笨到忘不了 賴著不放掉
人本來就寂寞的 我總會把你戒掉
- Going out a lot and having tons of activities throughout the week... will take a toll on me. By the end of the week, I ended up to be the best zombie ever and perhaps even a little autistic. I did not want to do anything, talk to anyone, and going out makes me impatient. Listening to people's stories makes me impatient and want to go off soon. Next time, a good sleep, good rest, and some time alone is what I need to have after a long, crazy week.
- I can drive around and find a place without relying on GPS. Hopefully, this will encourage development of my spatial skills and my sense of direction.
- Never, ever sleep with a full stomach. When I woke, I looked like 5 months pregnant.
- Doesn't hurt to learn a little bit of femininity and hairstyles does make quite a bit of difference. Self-esteem is boosted, which leads to boosted moods, which leads to a smiling face.
- To understand that sometimes, another person's extreme behaviours, may be cause of stress. Yeah, it could be wrong, disgusting, out of the ordinary, but in the end the environment and crowd is the only thing the person could turn to when he or she has nothing or no one else. If only I can help take it away...
- Enjoying simple things like window shopping and experimenting with sights, sounds and smell is a really nice mood booster too. It's a plus when someone else is there to enjoy it with you.
- When you really feel too tired to socialize, it's just time to go. Make the initiative to say, "Guys, I gotta go. Sorry." Who cares about their long faces? Your health is more important.
- You cannot let other (rude) people spoil your morning, especially when you are in church. I did feel a little pissed off, but the good thing was to walk away instead of fighting.
- With certain people, the larger the crowd, the better the outing experience. Accepting other people to just slip into your plans is sometimes a blessing and an added fun.
- Good breakfast is a good mood booster.
- Laughter still remains the best medicine.
- When you're upset, do not show it. Pretend to be happy. Eventually, you will be happy. It's no use bringing other people's moods down, especially with large crowd (But allow certain very, very tiny outlets for satisfaction).
- You have no control over another person's life no matter how much you do not want it to deteriorate or spoil. Best you can do is just to be there when they need it. Offer a calm, quiet support. Sometimes in these situations, it's all you can afford to give.
- The potential to do a last minute good looking hairstyle is awesome. Creativity is the asset.
- The importance of taking loan and avoiding high taxes.
- The benefits of taking risks, but with logical thinking (for me, this part may need some work)
- Gambling is for entertainment purposes. Mindset needs to be set to- there's a budget, and do not expect returns. Be prepared to lose all. It's mainly about luck and not being stupid.
- Money is purely a tool. You gain it, you lose it and you gain it back. It is so much easier to control it when it's viewed as a game. Also, being generous with it makes this view even more possible. Never be afraid of having no money. There will always be a way.
- Benefits of buying things (e.g. cars) under company name.
- Being rich means inviting other parties to watch you. If you want a luxurious life (e.g expensive property, awesome cars), be prepared to be targeted by the government, the bank, the thieves. Or, be rich, live life as a normal, middle classed citizen and spend money elsewhere (e.g. travelling, education, food). Mmm... the latter sounds good.
- Learning Cantonese: just continue asking, "What does _________ mean?". Doesn't matter if you eventually annoy the heck out of people.
The What Ifs