My Bucket of Valuables

10:52 PM

In my possession I have with me a big bucket of valuables I hold dear. I stand at the edge of a cliff with the ocean is just right below it. As I stand here, thinking and reflecting upon myself, the winds keep changing from time to time. They sometimes brew a storm, whereby the umbrella I set to protect my valuables waver close to flying away with the winds, and other times they give a light, pleasant breeze.

It comes a time when I have a decision to make with my bucket of valuables. It had gotten so heavy that it became harder for me to continue my journey on this long road. I am contemplating if I should throw some of the contents down to the ocean, start a new collection, or keep them with me and haul it slowly as I continue on my journey.

The reason why the decision becomes a hard thing to choose is that it took months and years of dedication, sweat, tears and heart aches of different people just to have these valuables beside me now. These precious little things hold so many memories, both bad and good, that I would like to keep and also had taken a lot of effort. I have plans on sharing these valuables with another but as they say, one man's meat is another man's poison. Or more accurately, one man's valuables is another man's junk. No harm trying though, right? So how could I let them go just like that? However, if I do decide to keep them, I would never learn how to let them go when the need arises.

So what do I do now?

Image credit to Soraya Bradley

Hmm... I think I will just sit here and enjoy my valuables a little longer. There is no need to rush. Let the winds blow me whichever way until I find whatever I am looking for.

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