
7:31 PM

You'll never guess who composed this.

When sweet memories flood my mind,
My heart begin to flow with the flooding river,
At the thought of kissing you;
When you are very close to me.
When I'm comfortable with you now.

When we are getting even closer,
My heart continue run even faster,
Reaching to be first in the race,
But the race is like never ending;
Never reaching the ending line.

When I try to reach you,
Your heart races with mine at the same time,
Both running in the same direction;
In the endless track,
Which both of us never know who will win.

When my heart conquers my mind,
I start losing myself to you slowly,
Try to reach for you,
But our goals are different,
Falling back makes our distance began to increase.

When unexpected phenomena happens,
I begin to laugh;
My heart gives up;
I already lose in the race,
Everything is back to normal.

When everything's back to normal,
River stops flowing,
Endless race has stop,
My mind conquers back my heart,
I settle down myself.

When I wanna catch you back to me,
My hands and fingers became numb;
Wouldn't move for good,
Stop me from doing anything,
Stop me from racing again.

When a night full of fireworks;
A night full of stars;
A night full of wind;
Suddenly heavy rain falls onto the ground;
And wash out everything from the sky to the ground.

When I'm on top of my own mountain,
I was pushed down the slope,
Fell into a dark valley with nothing around me;
No direction;
No light to guide me.

When I woke up from dat day,
A rope falls to me;
Saving me from my darkness;
Bringing me back to my land;
I'm free from the valley.

And I will never hope to fall again....
But I will never give up in conquering my fear.

by DummiesForLife

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